Monday, August 26, 2013

Brownie Batter

With our relaxing Sunday afternoon we decided to make brownies as a family. The highlight of course was the batter. I have many fond memories licking spoons covered in delicious substances after helping in the kitchen so I sent my boys to work. Tate excelled at the licking and Josh was quite the chef mixing the boxed brownies with the 3 measured ingredients. We sure know how to do it around here. They turned out delicious! A successful Sunday activity for sure!

Loving the tongue action.

Apples aren't as delicious after brownie goodness.

See him eying the bowl?

Thursday, August 22, 2013

A Park Adventure

Yesterday a good friend and I set out on a walk. We decided to be adventurous and cut through some unpaved territories to get a park I had driven to previously; we wanted to shorten the distance to a stroller friendly walk. After about a solid 30-45 minute walk, we arrived at the park to find it under construction. To appease our two toddling children we decided to brave playing on an empty school playground with the intent to plead ignorance if someone came out to get mad at us. Since school is in session we were a little worried, but figured we wouldn't get in to much trouble, the worst they would do was kick us off. My friend has an 8 month old who by this time needed a nap and then her little girl needed a bathroom. So into the school she went with her ID and her little girl while I manned the men. I haven't had to worry about bathrooms yet so that was an eye opener. So after they returned and they had a quick play we loaded her little boy in my reclining stroller and Tate got to ride rear facing and talk to my friend the whole ride home.... It was so much funnier experiencing it. Anyway here are some pictures of Tate exploring the playground with his teddy bears and water - life's essentials.  When we finally got home we both crashed. It was a wonderful day!

Today's adventure included fireman Tate at the museum. He loved the hat, and would pat his head and ask for it anytime it fell off!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Growing Up

The last few weeks have been crazy. We moved and I had my first experience with a child throwing up... I'd be happy as a lark (I think that's how the saying goes...) if I never had to experience that again, but I do consider myself blessed Tate is as old as he is. It was miserable. It also made me realize my nights full of sleep are numbered and I need to savor each and every one. In all of the change my blogging has been neglected. I feel like I can't write unless I have a quality picture to accompany so I located my camera and now I am back. Life is in control when I take time to blog, so if I am missing in action...

Tate is growing up so fast. His Thomas addiction is still thriving and he is becoming an avid puzzler. His favorite is a 35 piece Thomas puzzle. We do it at least 5 times a day. Soon he'll have it mastered on his own. I think he just likes my help because I turn over all the pieces for him. His dad is the same way when we puzzle together... Since Tate was sick he has also discovered an appetite I didn't know he possessed. His food of choice is cereal and it has been his first request upon exiting his crib, to his last plea before the door closes at bedtime. One day he had at least 5 bowls. He also has a strange addiction to mints (Altoids), grapes, and rediscovered Teddy Bears (Grahms). He definitely knows what he wants. Today he mimicked me when I said "out of control." He and his daddy are discovering wrestling and flopping and all the boyish joys of childhood. I can think of nothing better in the world to watch than Josh and Tate laughing and playing together. Their new nightly tradition is watching and laughing at the House of Mouse together while Tate eats his bedtime snack. I love them both!