Monday, April 14, 2014

Where does the time go?

The older I get the faster time flies, but the longer days are... It is hard to believe Josh only has 8 more weeks in this trimester. He is doing so well and loving his increase in energy as time goes on. Last week we had a real taste of Spring. The sun was shining, the air was warm, and Tate embraced his dream habitat - outside. He spent every allowed minute out there and his first plea each morning at 7 was "Daddy go to the park?" He even laid down on the cement when exhaustion set in around nap time, sadly his mother thinks naps are only allowed inside. Anyway here are a couple of our favorite moments in the last two weeks.
How Tate eats Pizza

Adorable bothers

Enjoying the backyard!

Watching a show together.

My strong little monkey.

Learning to drive the big wheels.
FHE fun

Gotta love cardboard

Tate playing cars

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Blissful Boards

Two weekends ago Palmer had boards, which means a wonderfully long weekend when Josh doesn't have to take them. On one of his days off we ventured to the John Deere Museum as a family, something we hadn't done since moving out here. Tate was in heaven exploring all the tractors and was ready to go see tractors every morning for the following 5 days. Ian even sported a John Deere hat to catch the spirit!