Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Daily Musings of a Mother

I think I hear my baby... Alarm clock reads 3:30.. Quick math 8 to 3:30... 4,5,6... however long he slept it was longer than last night. Back in bed by 4 a.m... I wonder what he is talking to himself about.. sounds interesting... 4:30... I can't believe he's still going... 6:30.. there he is again.. Sometimes I wish he had a snooze button... Up and at 'em... When did he grow up so much! He is so adorable. Good morning bug oh how I love your smiling face in the morning.. I wonder when I need to move his mattress down he's starting to grab the sides and pull himself up... what should we do first today.. practice sitting up.. is he getting enough tummy time?... maybe I should be reading to him more... Should I be letting him spend more time on his own.. Wow he sure is hungry all the time... what next... It's ten o'clock I still haven't showered, thank goodness for a swing... should I wash his clothes today or tomorrow.. I still need to get the dishes done.. hmm entertainment.. who'd have thought a baby would love plastic Easter eggs so much, bright, colorful, cheap, and practically nonbreakable it's brilliant... aren't you tired yet??? I am... wow grumpy gills just fall asleep already... why do you fight it so hard? I want to sleep... When will your daddy be home?... Finally a nap... time to relax after I finish cleaning, send an email, start the laundry.. lay down and two minutes later he's awake already... let's go on a walk... it's so beautiful outside... I should really be jogging... wonder why my baby is comatose in the stroller... what should I make for dinner tonight?... someone is grilling something that smells delicious, I wish I had a grill... did that noise just come from my baby?.. time to get home... wow he sure can make loud noises... wonder what he's saying.. I;m trying little guy but I don't know what you want..... Yay for food! one of my favorite parts of the day... bath, pajamas, and goodnight... Oh how I love the little guy.. he's so peaceful when he's sleeping... until tomorrow...


Katie said...

It's amazing how your whole life can revolve around one cute little guy, and his daddy, of course :) You are an amazing mother!

AnnMarie said...

You should publish that as a poem :) What a fabulous life a mother leads...tiring, and always crazy, but the best life ever!