Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Tate's Laugh

(I forgot the video was still on so there is nothing to see after the first minute...) 

There are few things better in life than hearing your baby laugh after a long day! It's music to a a mother's ears. Life is busy and sometimes days are long. I just got called to the Primary Presidency which makes Wednesday nights with one car truly an adventure. Josh has Young Mens/Scouts and I now have cub scouts and getting to two places at the same time is something we need to perfect. We both hate being late; I mean dislike more than eating seafood. We will definitely be better next week. Tate just goes along for the adventure and tries to stay happy. Being a baby has to be hard stuff. Teething can't possibly be fun, and sitting facing backwards in the car with nothing to look at and no AC is no piece of cake! But family makes life wonderful and worth all the adventures there are.

1 comment:

Katie said...

What an adorable laugh!! So cute! How fun you are over Cub Scouts, too! It sounds like a lot of work, but you'll do great at it :)