Thursday, October 4, 2012

Tater Tales: Picking Dandelions

At the park today Tate LOVED picking dandelions. The playground was worth 2 minutes, but the field of dandelions was hard to part with. He would pick one for both hands, waddle to the next one, squat down, decide which flower to part with, evaluate his decision, and start all over. He had to have 2 and they had to be the best!  As I watched him I couldn't help but think of one of my worst fears growing up; my child would be a dandelion picker on the soccer field. I have since learned the art of worrying and real fears as a mother and know how ridiculous that notion truly is. But to console myself I did rationalize that at the rate he tires of things, he will be uninterested in dandelions long before he wears a jersey on the field.

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