Thursday, January 31, 2013

Crazy Windy

Tate LOVES his spaghetti!!!

Yesterday my new nephew was born!! I have been there to visit my sister in the hospital for the other 4, but I am missing number 5. :( But with the help of amazing technology and my sweet mother-in-law I was able to Face Time her today! Not quite like holding the baby but as close as Iowa can get I guess. He is adorable! I am so excited for their family.

 After Tate's rough wake up from the late nap, we had a wonderful evening. It started with some 27 mile an hour winds that resulted in some apartment remodeling; simply hanging Josh's flannel sheets from childhood across our sliding back door and clipping them all on with binder clips. Tate thought this was the most fun game ever. He hid behind the sheets, used a pillowcase like a gunnysack, and played peek-a-boo with our building materials. He even adopted a pillowcase for a hat for about 10 minutes. When we had hung everything up he started bringing his blankets into the kitchen to play with there. Apparently bedding is much more fun in the kitchen. Who knew? Then we moved to the front room where we proceeded to climb in and out of buckets, give Josh short synopsis of all our adventures, and play a four keyboard piano like Ray Charles. Tate sure has soul when he jams. He is even capable of being his own band. His belly plays the piano while he leans over his musical table and plays the trumpet and the drums with his other two hands. What an amazing little man!

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