Sunday, March 2, 2014

Cold, Cold, Go Away

I honestly don't think our family was designed to thrive in cold weather. Between my two year old who refuses to nap, my 4 month old that only naps for 30 minute segments tops, and my poor husband who would do anything for 2 hours of quiet solitude and sleep time there is not enough room in this house. I feel like we need 2 sound proof bomb shelters; one for Josh to nap in and the other for Tate to "explore". Yesterday's nap time for Tate included pulling all of the drawers out of both his dresser and his night stand and banging them around. Combine that with his constant jumping, car crashing, and singing excitement, I am constantly worried about what is going on in there. Today there is almost nothing in there besides his bed and still something (him I am assuming) is banging on the walls and making one small room sound like a herd of elephants resides within. I look forward to the days of sunshine and child exhausting parks that I have faith are in my near future. Here are a few memorable moments of from the weekend.

This is what happens when I let Tate eat yogurt all by himself.
Hide and Seek Mickey Mouse Club in the beans.

LOVE the overalls
Bath time buddies

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