Wednesday, June 11, 2014

8 Months Old

I can't believe my baby is already 8 months old! We had some good friends over tonight and were remembering the Fall... Crazy how time can go so fast. Siblings are interesting things. Today I had a light bulb turn on Gru style: it is normally the older sibling, aka Tate, getting into trouble for mischief. When Ian does something wrong I think, man that little guy is smart and patiently distract him. When Tate does something wrong my patience meter starts shaking and I wonder what in the world could he be thinking. It's interesting how our expectations are different for each child and something I need to be more cognizant of in my parenting...
Anyway for the good stuff, here are the highlights of today.
 A long time ago in an apartment 8 blocks away, I bought Tate a pair of Thomas the train pajamas. Now they are far to small for him to wear, but he calls them his snuggles; a must have for a successful bedtime. Last night Tate did not want to go to sleep and this is what Josh and I woke up to this morning. We have been working on the independent task of dressing oneself, and it looks like he has mastered it in the late hours of the night. Notice below how the shirt arms are dangling off his hips to add to his exotic dancing skills.
 Yesterday during Ian's nap Tate and I got out his Micky Mouse puzzle. He did the whole thing by himself and then started sorting his cars around the edges. I'm constantly amazed by this smart little man.

 8 months old looks good on him. The hair is all natural and occurs each time I brush it. Josh has a natural mohawk too, but doesn't embrace it like this little monkey.
 Walking in style. I know how to wear my kids out so I can sleep at night. Sometimes I think I should get Tate an exercise band just to see exactly how much he does in one day.
 I finally got my Gerber daisies planted outside and this beautiful flower opened today!!! Thank you to my amazing husband.


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