Getting dinner for everyone on the table at the same time with little kiddos is about as exciting as the circus at our house. One child is normally shrieking, throwing stuff, and doing all sorts of crazy acrobatics to try and escape his high chair while the other is melting down, feigning starvation and the end of his world. Amidst the chaos I frantically run around the kitchen trying to get all the things on the table that dinner requires including the hand washed Cars plate that we use nightly because it somehow changes the flavor and appeal of food, the extra napkins to survive dinner with a toddler and a two year old because at any given moment they become life saving, and the large fork required to inhale my meal during the few seconds I have between shoveling bites into Ian dissuading his attempts to shriek like a pterodactyl and faking sleep every time Tate eats a vegetable. Even when I feel like I am on the top of my game something always seems to turn turn a calm dinner into the main event. I'm sure by the time I master my mommy magician act to tame my circus crew they will have moved to the zoo... Oh the adventures of parenthood.
Tonight after Tate and Ian were both calm and content for a couple of moments Tate turned to me and said, "Ian is my best friend." By far the best moment in my day. Tate has started calling Ian his little buddy and despite how he is continually crashing and bowling his little brother over, I think their relationship will turn out OK.
Tate's unsuccessful attempt to dress himself this morning. He has one leg in a leg whole and one in the top of his shorts and both legs coming out the other leg hole.
Hiding under the rug. For some reason it was so much cooler than a blanket.
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