This week I discovered the meal of a happy mommy - BBQ Chicken salad. A good friend and I have started a dinner swap; it's basically a dinner group for moms. Once a week we just drop off dinner and dessert, no tired kids, worrying about manners, or silly showing off. I think it is one of my most brilliant ideas thus far in my mommy existence. I get to eat AMAZING food that I normally wouldn't make and I don't have to think of it, shop for it, or cook it. Sometimes when it's my turn to deliver it's a little more challenging, but it gives me a good excuse to make something delicious. Anyway this week salad was delivered and it was so good we had it again for dinner tonight. I am thinking I need more gourmet salads in my life because there is nothing quite as crunchy or mouth watering delicious as a good salad and it leaves me feeling good.
Tate on the other hand is not quite as impressed with salad, and meals in general. With his recent discovery that babies grow in bellies he has also started conversing with his stomach. Who knew the abdomen could be so entertaining. At lunch yesterday Tate had a full on conversation with his belly that insisted it was not hungry. It finally changed it's mind upon learning that bellies who don't eat their lunch, don't get any snacks. Tate even has a belly "voice". It is as bass as his voice can physically go.
I wanted to do joy school this fall but didn't have enough friends interested so Tate and I do mommy Tate school each morning for 15-20 minutes during Ian's nap. It's fun, but I think it is a lot easier teaching other peoples kids. If nothing else he will learn to hold a writing instrument correctly.
Ian has now walked 7 steps consecutively on his own. His first steps were Sunday. He has yet to want to walk all the time because he has a mean crawling speed of maybe 3 miles an hour. But he has the balance and has shown me he can. Once he does start consistently I have no idea how I am going to keep up with both of them. Oh the adventures!
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