Sunday, November 16, 2014

Time Outs

Time outs are a hot topic at our house as Tate is redefining the rules and Ian is testing his limits. Yesterday Tate put Josh and I in a time out; I don't even remember what it was for. It was absolutely delightful until he charged into the room where we were conversing on our chairs and told us sternly, "No Talking!" He returned a couple minutes later to count and release us... Suppressing that laugh was nigh impossible so I just choked a couple times to cover up. He even gave us hugs when we were done and told us he was sorry. It was sweet.
Ian on the other hand doesn't see the punishment in sitting on my lap and counting to go play again. He purposefully does things he shouldn't, looks at me, laughs at my stern warning voice, and answers yeah when I ask if he wants a time out. He is a whole new level of mischievous that I am not sure I am ready to handle.
Winter has hit.... HARD... As snuggly as the boys are in coats I prefer the less baggage (and warmth) of summer. I need a serious winter attitude adjustment. I am thinking bears have the right idea...
While making bread with Tate I should have been more wary of what was happening behind us. He was having a wonderful time and he liked the pink pages best of all...
Mario Kart is one of Tate's favorite things to do. His skills include driving his car into the water and he is proud of it. Jon and Katherine indulged him when we hung out this week and he was on cloud nine. We miss having these guys around more often.
 Ian has had a couple rough sick nights. The upside is tender time with Daddy in their favorite chair.
How Tate was wearing his tie when we picked him up from nursery. I'm thinking I may have to revert back to clip on. At least this way he wouldn't spill on it when eating.

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