Monday, December 22, 2014

An Awesome Aunt Day

Tate got treated to a day by my sister Kamie. It started with a trip to pick her up on the Front Runner, a commuter train in Utah. We even watched the train arrive. Tate now thinks everyone should arrive by train, it seems like common sense to him. It is also his dream to "listen to the rolling thunder" just like in the Day of the Diesels song on his Thomas CD. He has an addiction. After picking her up we headed to the store for a couple things. Tate and Kamie went exploring together and ended up with an afternoon full of projects to do. 
 They picked their projects; a car night light, a wooden train, and a soda fueled car.
 Tate loved the color black.
 For the second paint job Kamie even found him a special shirt, complete with a huge knot in the back. It took some convincing to get him to put his real shirt back one.
 Tate got a little mischievous and added a splash of black to Kamie's beautiful red piece.
 The soda car was the last project and the one that took the most convincing and the most time. It ended up not accelerating, or moving as hoped, but Tate pushed it along. Does the cold kill the mentos soda reaction? Regardless Tate had an amazing day with my awesome sister.
This is what Ian thought of all the fun. The poor kiddo was sick and could only sleep sitting up. What a little trooper.

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