Thursday, February 19, 2015

A Frozen February

When temperatures plummet and refuse to rise, so does my drive to be productive. Without the reprieve of escaping my house each day, due to winds that threaten to blow my children away and leave us all breathless, my evenings are spent in a trancelike lazy state as I contemplate staying home again tomorrow. Oh how I don't love the bitter cold. I would settle for snow that isn't as hard as a rock and temperatures above 30 so we can all bundle up and venture outdoors. Our house is in serious need of some Vitamin D, outdoor adventures, and warmth not generated by a heater. Despite the cold my kiddos are still little rays of sunshine most of the time and we have many wonderful moments:
 Tate was so proud to get in all by himself and he even got dressed without health. Notice the print on his back. This has become the new fashion fad recently and he finds himself hilarious. Almost as funny as changing his clothes several times a day and occasionally being dressed in the morning when I go in to release the kiddos before 6 a.m.  He also has levels of funny and tells me if I should laugh small, medium, or big and sometimes requests giggles. Clothing has
 We caught a beautiful sunset on our last date with our favorite babysitter before she left for her preceptorship this week. It was the most beautiful one we have seen in our Iowan days.
 My little music man. To make this kiddo happy all he needs is his own piece of technology that plays music. He carries it around, dances when the rhythm matches his fancy, pushes its buttons, and keeps it handy while he plays and reads. The only down is when I decide his technology time should come to an end.
 Our last Friday of Fun with the whole crew before the Bredthauers move on to graduated life.
 My 16 month old... Oh how I love this little man and his cheeser. It is more easily shared when I share something sweet with him.
 They love each other. It shows maybe 50% of waking hours. We are improving.
My little monkey is getting so big. He has almost mastered our wooden stairs. He is down to only 4 reminders to turn around per flight. It's amazing how much these little people learn so quick, even when it's so cold.

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