Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Potty Humor

This post is for all people who have ever potty trained, or live with a newly potty trained child. If I didn't find humor in it I would definitely go crazy. My three year old was motivated to be potty trained by his third birthday with a birthday present only fit for a potty trained big boy. It worked like a charm. I never imagined the continued learning that went along with it. Here are my few favorite instances that I have to remember to share with him someday when his kiddos are making him nuts.
1. One morning while still living in a diaper I entered his room to find him squatting on his bed and dousing the trains on his sheets as he named them one by one. "I got you Percy, I got you Thomas.." I am grateful toddler beds are plastic and easy to clean but at this moment I about died. He never even figured out the tabs on his diaper to remove it. He simply shimmied it over his little hips. After this he started wearing backwards pajamas at night and overalls for every nap.
2. The first time Tate pooped on the potty was a miracle in our house. It was one of the most praised single events of his life thus far. Since then, still to this day every time he poops lets me know to make sure I am so happy.
3. On a trip home from Nauvoo last week I had my first scary car ride. My little man announced he had to go... bad... The trip from Nauvoo is only 2 hours and he holds it FOREVER at the house most days so I was a little exasperated. Fifteen minutes later we made it to a gas station. As I carried him inside he said, "Don't worry mom, I will try not to pee on you." I may have worried a little, but I was grateful for his reassurance.
4. Last week Josh took Tate to the bathroom and I was informed he had his first urinal experience. I guess he was impressed that he didn't have to flush. I thought little of it until yesterday when I entered the bathroom to find that Tate had tried to reenact the experience substituting our humidifier for the urinal. It was a disaster.... It's a good thing I love him.
I saw a meme on Facebook the other day that said something about it's a whole lot funnier if you aren't the one who has to clean it up. I agree whole heartedly. Oh the things I have to be thankful to my parents for that I never imagined.

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