Monday, August 18, 2014

Say What?

Over the past few weeks I have been jotting down some of Tate's one-liners. Here a few:
1. "Is that chocolate?" - I was changing his diaper. Where did I go wrong that he would confuse something so blissful with something so disgusting?
2. "Please stop making messes for me." - This is what Tate told me after spitting out a bite that he felt was to big when I was helping him eat his breakfast. I was dumbstruck. I wanted to say it back to him all day long.
3. "Mommy look, popcorn." - When passing corn fields this is what he says. Is there any other type of corn worth mentioning?
4. "Bust my buffers!" - His favorite exclamation. Obsession with Thomas is getting a little out of control. We also pretend to be trains all day long and relive whatever happened in the episode we last watched. He keeps me on top of my game and when I don't pay attention I have no idea what we are playing and of course I do it wrong.
5. "Not today, maybe another day." - This is what I am told any time he doesn't want to do something; basically any time it is time for a real meal and not a snack, diaper changes, and getting dressed. Good thing he still can be pretty easily persuaded or we would never get anything done.
6. "I can't be baptized. My head can't go under the water." - I told him we would work on that. It came up out of the blue though, it's always interesting to hear what comes out of his mouth. 
Another highlight of my week was a late night conversation with Tate. He went to bed at 7:30 like usual and when I walked past around 10 there he sat on his bed looking longingly out the door. I went in and we chatted about picking cotton and throwing it into the corn as well as using the potty and why I didn't get more jellybeans for peeing on the potty. This was a conversation about the deeper things in his life.  I laughed myself to sleep.
 While Tate's vocabulary and quirky communications are expanding so is Ian's mobility. His right leg has a must climb instinct that is out of control. He has mastered Tate's bed, stairs, and today a box... It was petrifying. One minute he was contentedly playing and the next he was about to fall and die. This one is going to need constant supervision for a while! 
 Both contentedly eating. One has a health conscious belly and the other lives for the junk food reward that comes after eating, the only reason he will eat. Ian ate almost a whole can of green beans by himself the other night. I have never seen someone so small put away so much food.

 "On top of the world," We sang the song and he even danced the dance. I hope the tree got put to good use. I don't think I have ever enjoyed a stump so much. We even had a lesson about how old trees are. This age is so much fun.
Our before church family picture in front of the corn in true Iowa style. Too bad the kiddos wouldn't look at the camera in the same picture. My favorite part is the photographer's shadow :) 

1 comment:

Katie said...

Love Tate's conversations...haha! I can't wait to see you all!!! One month!