Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Tunnel Construction 101

 In the last 3 days our downstairs play world has switched from 4 wheeled to all fours. Instead of playing with toys we now use them to construct tunnels. In the last 3 days we have constructed more than that many holes for little bodies to wriggle through. It was a stroke of brilliance that has tired out many kiddos, more than just mine. With the tunnels we have also introduced relay races. It's a whole new world for me to imagine up what I can make him do to exhaust himself in the name of fun.
 With the party downstairs, upstairs we are all business. The boys love to vacuum. Josh and I found this little vacuum for a dollar at a garage sale a couple summers ago and it has been a child's dream chore. Tate is not so fond of Ian wanting in on flipping the switch but his practice of patience is improving daily. I am so lucky I get to hang out with these 2 all day long!

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