Sunday, May 1, 2016

The Final Strech

Pregnancy is a patience builder. Every child I carry makes me more grateful and in awe of my own mother. This week I have entered the ready-to-do-anything-to-make-this-baby-come stage. I have mowed the lawn, consumed half a pineapple, eaten a chicken sandwich with spicy sauce, and taken 2 hours of family photos all over a park. Not to mention the two kiddos I follow all day... And all I got was maybe an hour of solid contractions... I just keep telling myself she will come.. 
I also noticed while writing this post, the more pregnant I get, the less pictures I take. I think it has to do with the fact that I move that much slower now and it is hard enough getting a good picture of crazy children when I am on my A game. Oh well. 
 My handsome boys. I took family pictures for a YW fundraiser and after tried to take a picture of my own kids. THEY WILL NOT LOOK AT ME!!! They are looking behind me at a good friend who took pity on me and helped me at least put smiles on their faces.
 These four fill my life with so much happiness and so many memories! So grateful for our framily!
 He is that cool. Note that his face is clean. This is not a normal occurrence these days!
 Tate was ready for surgery. We went to a big brother class at the hospital. Tate was the right age for it; Ian was grateful there was a cookie involved. The kiddos got to learn about babies and tour where Emily would be born. The nurse even let them play with the bed buttons. I don't think he will ever be a doctor, but he sure enjoyed playing with his surgeon outfit. The mask later was useful as a hat, a car carrier, and a slingshot.
They learned the diapering skill in class and each had a buddy to practice on. I think they will be sticking to diapering their stuffed animals for a while before they get to attempt the real thing.
 I love the moments when my boys discover new things together. This weeks discovery was that if you turn a car on its side, it becomes a cave/jungle gym/bed and a lot more fun than actually utilizing the cars wheels! I think my imagination got squashed out of me at some point, but I am grateful my kids have such good ones, I think it came from their dad.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Busy Boys

 I love having fun things to go and do. The day is so much smoother and more enjoyable when we get out of the house. These last couple weeks there have been so many things going on, it has been GREAT! 
A parent of Tate's fellow classmate is in the know about everything going on for young boys in the Quad Cities. I am grateful for her willingness to share. She informed me about an art class for the kids and it was so fun! They do the messy stuff that I as a pregnant mommy am not fun enough to do at home. The boys love the crafts and snacks every Friday morning. Bubble painting was a favorite.
Snacks at the park with our crew happens at least twice a week. I am so grateful the sun is shining and the weather is finally getting warm!
The highlight of a park is always in nature, not the toys. It sticks with you more too; wood chips in socks, pants, hoods.. They had a wonderful adventure together.
A boy and his horse...
He was doing his hair just like mommy, only in the kitchen, and his head is harder to reach. I sure hope I don't make that face when I do mine.
This kiddo is a natural athlete. He has mastered the scooter in rain boots. He has actually mastered most things in rain boots. He even mastered putting them on himself.
More art class. The sensory table is Ian's favorite part. It's contents have included beans, birdseed, rice, and lentils, she couldn't find the water beads at the dollar store. The kids had so much fun! Maybe I will be cool and do something next winter like this.
One day after quiet time I found Tate like this. He had been busy drawing all of his bones. He managed to get his head, chest, arms, hands, legs, and feet. If he hadn't been wearing overalls he probably would have covered his belly too. The ensuing scrub in the bath will likely deter a reoccurrence.
More art class. Tate's are the monster chicks. Everything is cooler in monster edition - meaning more eyes.
We went to a day put on by PBS called Imagination Station. (If I remember right) It was so fun. The kiddos met lots of characters they love and from beginning to end they warmed up a lot more quickly to people in costume. They had crafts and prizes throughout the place too. It was great!
Good old Curious George. The man is the yellow hat is an example of patience to all parents everywhere.
We parked down the way and got to ride a yellow bus over to the people. Ian loved that bus. I suspect the no seat belt/car seat thing makes it more memorable for a little guy who wishes he was big enough to be without one.
Daniel Tiger. I sure do love his ditties. Especially the clean up one.
Ian ended up with a cookie monster sticker and a tattoo. Life was good.
Cookie monster was and still is and will always be my favorite. I can relate to him... It kind of looks like he was eating Ian, but he really enjoyed his hug. 
They had service dogs to pet too. The boys loved them and I am glad they get to enjoy an occasional dog. I don't think they will ever get a full time one.
A morning of so much fun that resulted in nap times of the same quality. It was well put together and despite the crowds, it was a lot of fun.
For Easter the John Deere Pavilion had ducks hatching that you could watch. The kids loved it!
Day old ducks are adorable.
We finally got these busy boys all in one place for a picture, but there is always one who won't look at the camera or has to be doing his own thing. They definitely keep life exciting!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Mid March Madness

In January I found an awesome deal for a trip to the Wisconsin Dells and convinced Josh we should go by convincing some friends to go too. I felt like it was our first "family" vacation that didn't include Utah. Two nights was the perfect amount and the kiddos had so much fun!!! I can't imagine the summers there because there are water slides EVERYWHERE outside. We just played in the indoor adventure domes and there was more than enough to keep our crew busy. 
Tate's favorite was the slide. He climbed those stairs happily at least 10 times and would have kept going if he would have had an adult to go with him.
Ian went down the slide once and then was simply content to watch the boys pop out.
Our room had pretty awesome bunk beds for the boys. It was perfect because it was just like home.
The indoor amusement park was fun too. Daddy and the boys did some bonding - all on things that spin. Me + spin = problems. So glad they have family to enjoy it with. Tate went on his first roller coaster ride too. It was not love at first ride, but I think he will go again someday.
More spinning... Just thinking about it makes me feel unwell. Josh had them going so fast I was worried one of the kiddos just might lose their lunch.
Our vacation crew. Ian was to entranced with the arcade to smile for the camera.
Ian and his buddy. We watch him when his mommy works and Tate thinks we should just adopt him, "Mom I feel like he is a part of our family."
After arguing for 5 minutes about staying in his chair, I finally let him eat his lunch in a box. He happily ate and slept and the afternoon was still a win. Sometimes I try to fight the silliest battles.
 He sure does enjoy messy foods. The ones he feels look best on his face include jelly, black beans, ketchup, and ice cream. I can't blame him for the last one due to it's delicious nature, but his eating method of starting at the bottom of the cone does make the clean up a more dramatic affair.
 How Ian likes to get to the car after church. He is just making sure to put holes in all of the pants Tate didn't get to when he was wearing them. I got out the next size of clothes for Ian and he is constantly checking on his knees through convenient windows left from the previous owner.
 One morning Ian was behaving like Oscar the grouch. After several time outs and mommy frustrations I sat down and snuggled him. He went to sleep in my lap for a good hour at 9 a.m.! It was so fun to snuggle my not so little man.
 Before and after church pictures.
 How Ian eats rice, makes a mess of it everywhere leaving a clean plate that is "all gone". His dream meal would be plain pasta, hot dogs, and broccoli every night. Someday he will thank me for expanding his culinary horizons, and if not him his future wife will.