Monday, March 11, 2013

16 Months

It's hard to believe my baby is 16 months old today. Watching him learn and grow is humbling. This week he has acquired the skill of whispering. At meal times he and his father have interesting conversations in hushed tones. They even have secret whispered meetings under blankets occasionally. My boys are just so cute together. I just wish we could transfer the whispering skill to church... We'll work on that. I can hear my child talking half way across the church during primary. His voice carries like his grandpa's. I am grateful it is usually happy musings I hear.

Josh's parents were able to come visit over the break and we had so much fun just relaxing. Tate loves having friends in the basement to enjoy and entertain him, especially grandpraents. Josh and I joked about road tripping home this week because we were so spoiled with family here we just wanted more! We are so grateful they came! Their flights were nightmares, hopefully it won't scare them away from visiting again.