Friday, June 26, 2015

Browning Family Road Trip

This summer break began a little differently, instead of flying away the moment Josh was done, we stuck around for a week, packed our van, and headed on a road trip with the Brownings. It was a WONDERFUL adventures full of family and memories we will never forget.
Tate was sporting Grandpa Browning's sunglasses. His head is now big enough that he can keep most glasses of any size on there. With his head increase came a burst in IQ and a revisit of questioning "why" about everything in life. These phases are always a patience builder for me.
On our way to Kansas City we stopped at the Amana colonies for lunch. The food was good, the company was great, and their wood working was AMAZING. I found my dream future table and bedroom set... A girl can dream anyway.
A very manly sign that was screaming for a photo op.
We got to Kansas City on the morning day 2. This is a very realistic family photo. Oh my independent little one.
The Kansas City skyline from the WW2 Memorial Museum. 
Clearly this is the way to wear a hat. It increases your neck strength and naturally protects the back of your neck from the sun due to the angle of your head.
Just taking a break on the grass.
Cousins. Enough said. 
Enjoying the visitors center in Independence. The kids corner was the highlight.
Tate sleeping during sunlight hours. This is a momentous occasion. There is something strangely wonderful about seeing my children unconscious after playing hard.

Taking turns on Preachers Rock in Adam-ondi-ahmen. I kept wondering what things could have been shared from this spot in such a special place.
Our house in Nauvoo was right across the street from the temple with a beautiful view. It wasn't exactly kiddo friendly, but it was fun to all stay in the same place.
Lending a helping hand is always a good thing to do.
My photography skills from our porch. I wished more than once I had my real camera with me. It is truly amazing how phone cameras have improved in my life time.

We spent 20 minutes doing stick pulls. It was a highlight of Nauvoo for me. Ian will be able to take Tate easily as soon as his fingers are long enough to wrap around the whole stick. I think he has the intimidation thing down with the direct eye contact complete with a hat blinder. There is no distracting this guy.
Tate was a natural when it came to making rope. He even had it tied to him and gladly wore it similar to a leash the rest of the afternoon. I did not complain.
It was fun to have the whole family together in this house. We are blessed with amazing examples in our history and our family now.
Just chilling before the Trail of Hope. It was another Nauvoo treasure I am glad I got to experience. 

We hit the zoo our first day in Chicago. It was a lot of fun and had the most amazing monkey exhibits I have ever seen along with the busiest monkeys.
There is something about glasses with Grandpa..
Traveling is exhausting.
The only time I have ever felt in need of a selfie stick. 
I wore Tate around one afternoon in Chicago. It was really nice to have him safe and cozy and surprisingly comfortable.

 The Chicago visit I always wanted came true. Josh told me to enjoy it while I could because he is never going back.
 The Bean is by far one of the coolest pieces or art in existence. It would take me hours to get bored.
 We stopped by the Chicago temple on our way home one night. It was beautiful. The color is much different than I expected, but it was the most peaceful 15 minutes of my day.
 The train table at the Museum of Science and Industry is what Tate's dreams are made of. The only problem is that it was so big there was no vantage point to monitor from and I had to run around and around and around with him. He definitely keeps me moving.
 After the last museum we experienced Chicago traffic. It was HORRIBLE. I can't imagine driving in that craziness every day. I am so grateful for the divine intervention that allowed us to make our flight and for the wonderful family that we got to travel with. They even let our kiddos sit with them the entire flight home. Family is the BEST!

Monday, June 15, 2015

Summer Shenanigans

 They laid together long enough for a picture. All it took was Sesame Street Tunes, the control of the music, and occasional peek a boo. Sadly it was short lived.
 Katherine came to visit for Graduation. Tate and Ian were happy as could be. We are so blessed to have such good friends!
 We had the opportunity to watch these adorable kiddos for a morning all together. Tate and Ian had the perfect traveling companions sitting next to them.
 The aftermath of enjoying M&M's during a haircut that turned into a buzz cut due to un-cooperation. I wanted to cry for a couple days every time I saw his hair.

This is the result of wallowing on the back door mat while playing with side walk chalk. Tate even tried it after seeing how much fun Ian was having... oh the joys of life when you are little. Following this Ian couldn't understand the need to wash his face before lunch. Hopefully someday he will get it.
Ian peeled his first orange. It took a decent 10 minutes and required daddy to take every piece of peel; setting it on a paper towel or in the garbage was out of the question. He then was so kind to let me eat it because he wasn't interested and wanted to peel another.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Silly Things I Want to Remember

To make it to the temple we have devised a new system with our friends. We swap Saturdays. A couple weeks ago it was our turn and we left at 4:45 and made it back by 11:30. It was genius. When Tate woke up to us not there, he saw the parent, asked why he threw a frisbee on the roof, informed him I had boughten Cheetos, used the bathroom, got dressed and was ready to roll all within 5 minutes. This kiddo lives for the adventures that await. I have to plan at least one day in advance with something exciting each day just so Tate can fall asleep each night looking forward to the next grand adventure.

Recently I feel like the two main tracks in Tate's mind are trains and pets, and they seem to manifest themselves in all places. In church Tate shared with all of Junior Primary the following story, "I was on the train tracks, I said Uh-oh, I jumped on to the grass, I was safe, and then I felt the Holy Ghost." I am so glad he is already feeling the Holy Ghost and very willing to share; I am just a little concerned with when he was feeling it because I don't remember this occurrence. He also informed everyone that a pal is a dog while learning the line, "My daddy is my favorite pal.."  Last week he enlightened the Singing time teacher that the lines on the floor for basketball looked like train tracks. I am so glad I get to be in primary and listen to some of the things he shares. I will forever wonder what he says in class.

While playing hide and seek Tate  Ian, and I ended up under a blanket with talking trains. The boys took this moment to discover that there were teeth in my mouth by the light of the little train, apparently the light of day was not sufficient. With the accompanying phrases that those blessed locomotives repeat over and over and over we have yet to kill a battery in one; I consider this a blessing and a curse. I attribute this not only to their amazing battery life, but my diligence at keeping talking trains out of tubs, toilets, and Tate's and Ian's drinks.  Following this Ian spent the rest of the night saying ahh. He is either ready for the dentist or aspiring to be one.

I love these silly boys! 

Monday, June 8, 2015

More Moments

 One of Tate's best friends moved the first week of June. Tate had a dream of Monkey Jo's with him before he left and we made it come true. Tate is a air toy animal. This is definitely his element and if it was a sport, he'd be in heaven. Maybe he will be on Wipe Out someday. With the amount of crashing he survives he may actually be the perfect candidate.
 Ian got hungry, grabbed a hunk of bread and a book, and settled down to enjoy. This all happened in the minute it took me to help Tate do something. I couldn't even be angry he had crossed the line in the living room because he looked so sweet.

 We had a ward 5k and the highlight for Ian was this dog. He kept getting right up in his face and saying "Hello doggy." I now understand why some people get dogs after seeing the pure ecstasy on my children's faces after two minutes. Tate ran the whole 1 mile by himself at the race too. I was so proud.
 Tate will only fall asleep when I rock him. I do it about once every two weeks if we have something in the afternoon or are planning a late evening. After setting him down on the couch and I couldn't believe he stretches from one side to the other.
 Ian got his first sucker at a birthday party. He was so in love he didn't even want a doughnut. The cake was a mountain of doughnuts. It was brilliant and I have a feeling we will have a similar cake in our home someday, minus the dinosaur gummies.
 The highlight of the party. Water slides are AWESOME!! Even when they are homemade.
 So I know this picture is blurry, but Josh was being a snake and slithering with the boys in tow. It was hilarious! Tate has an obsession with snakes. He got a book from the library with a rattlesnake in it and now we reenact rattlesnake encounters. It usually ends up something like this. Boys are crazy, but fun.
Eating blueberries just inside the kitchen. Food seems to taste better right on the edge of the kitchen, the carpet within sneezing distance. I'm beginning to think chairs are overrated and mealtimes would be so much more pleasant if we picnicked permanently. Oh the battles of motherhood.