Sunday, March 23, 2014

A Half B-day Bash and Hunting for Leperchauns

Since Josh has maybe 27% recollection of his 27th birthday, and the September get together we had seemed to be more enjoyable for me than him, we had a half birthday celebration - complete with half plates, pizza, and an amazing cake - thank you Stacy! It was fun to eat pizza, play Mario Kart, and just enjoy an evening with good friends!

Check out the genuine smile..
The classic blow. Note the candles...
 Monday was St. Patrick's day and of course a green fellow had to visit the house. He played in the basement leaving little green feet in his wake. I think next year Tate will catch the vision of how fun following the feet is and the coolness of green milk. He didn't quite appreciate it this year. We even had green enchiladas and green smoothies for dinner. As a mom holidays hold more work but I think it is definitely worth the magic in my kiddos eyes.
My little green hunters. Tate's green shirt was sadly requiring some attention from a large water basin that I had yet to start.
 Following our hunt we did some grocery shopping. Tate dropped his hat by the car and I didn't realize it was missing until we had finished our examine everything in reach excursion. Upon returning the food to the car I opted to go look around the store one more time in search of my favorite apparel for Tate's head. As we were about to enter the store a man in a black SUV - only a little creepy - drove over and had the hat for me. Prayers are answered. I was so grateful for his kindness. I guess he'd found it by the car and when he saw us getting ready to go he thought Tate's head looked about the right size. I'm amazed every day by the little tender mercies in life. Our finale of the day was FHE where we marched around the house singing Follow the Prophet. Those boys sure are adorable and very serious being Adam. 

My non mobile drooling master.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Top 10

These last couple days Josh and I have been experiencing some blah moments... But here are 10 smiles we have also enjoyed. And they mostly revolve around our kids of course. :)
 Number 10 - Tate will not nap... I think this actually brings me more tears than smiles, but never fail after an afternoon of him weeping, wailing, and gnashing his teeth in the pack and play, he will always fall asleep on the 15 minute car ride to go get daddy. His latest discovery during "nap" time is the removal of his diaper... Words can not describe my terror. The problem is he simply slides it off his nonexistent hips. I am contemplating nap time overalls...
 Number 9 - Ian is now a sitter, 75% of the time completely stable. He will be mobile within the month I think. He already rolls forward onto his hands and does a backwards body scoot on his tummy. This kid's got talent and a love for cars already.
 Number 8 - The weather is tolerable! It's sad when 23 degrees without the wind blowing feels warm. But in the last 5 days we have seen the 40's and 50's. We walked both times and Tate loves to be outside again. I've learned the surest way to get Tate in the stroller is to head up a hill on our walk. He hops right in, content to let me do all the hard work of course.
 Number 7 - Ian has a polar bear costume. How could this not make you smile?
 Number 6 - We got to go to breakfast at Harlan's with our good friends the DeVores on Saturday. The kids were so good too. It was fun to see them. We are going to miss them as they have embarked on their next adventure after Palmer but so grateful for such good friends. So back story on Harlan's; it is located on the way out to the church and is the place to eat breakfast on Sunday mornings. I have had not so kind feelings for many drivers stopping there because it requires drastically slowing traffic on the one lane 50 mile an hour road to turn into the parking lot. But Josh's therapist who is one of the Sunday culprits was right, it is delicious. 

 Number 5 - Ian is now 5 months old! It flies so much faster the second time. We love our little man!

 Number 4 - "Mommy where is the monkey? I know, he's in my pocket." Oh Tate. He gets funnier, more lovable, and increasingly smarter daily.
 Number 3 - Ian had rice cereal for the first time! He ate it like a champion and emptied the bowl. He's a natural eater. A child after my own eating habits.

Number 2 - Tate and his monkey have become best buds. We bought the Monkey in DisneyWorld just after his first birthday and I love that it's the animal he wants to snuggle every night. Today we dressed it in Ian's shoes and sweatshirt (so Tate could wear his shoes) and took it to the chiropractor with us. The monkey got his temperature taken and adjusted and Tate followed suit, just like the monkey. It was really adorable.

Number 1 - For all the moments I feel like a mommy failure, like I've done something wrong, or that I'm just not thriving, Tate's singing really melts my heart and helps me remember what is really important. Every night after I sing to him in his bed time routine he congratulates me with a "good job mommy!" I love my little guy and I'm so glad he loves singing. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


This last week has been fun to watch Tate and Ian start to become friends. Ian is at the point of babyhood where food looks so good. I feel guilty eating in front of him because he sucks on his lips with a look similar to a begging dog. Tate has picked right up on it and is constantly offering Ian whatever he is having, from yogurt to pizza. Oh the adventures that are about to begin. I can feel it and I'm a little scared for the future things I may find Tate sharing.
Yesterday I decided to make a delicious treat and found a recipe for brownie stuffed cookies. They turned out delicious, but they were the size of hamburgers. Oh the things I make fur fun; I should find a healthier hobby.  

Josh had his first day of school today and it was strange to be home with the kiddos alone. Nap time was an adventure. Tate now is supposed to nap in the pack and play but continues to keep himself entertained. Our pack and play has wheels on one end and somehow Tate utilized this function to move the pack and play with him in it over to the door. He's too smart for my own good. He entertained himself for two hours with a blanket, pillow, 2 books, and his own voice. If only I could get him interested in coloring or an artistic time consuming hobby that is QUIET so his little brother could sleep... any ideas?

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Cold, Cold, Go Away

I honestly don't think our family was designed to thrive in cold weather. Between my two year old who refuses to nap, my 4 month old that only naps for 30 minute segments tops, and my poor husband who would do anything for 2 hours of quiet solitude and sleep time there is not enough room in this house. I feel like we need 2 sound proof bomb shelters; one for Josh to nap in and the other for Tate to "explore". Yesterday's nap time for Tate included pulling all of the drawers out of both his dresser and his night stand and banging them around. Combine that with his constant jumping, car crashing, and singing excitement, I am constantly worried about what is going on in there. Today there is almost nothing in there besides his bed and still something (him I am assuming) is banging on the walls and making one small room sound like a herd of elephants resides within. I look forward to the days of sunshine and child exhausting parks that I have faith are in my near future. Here are a few memorable moments of from the weekend.

This is what happens when I let Tate eat yogurt all by himself.
Hide and Seek Mickey Mouse Club in the beans.

LOVE the overalls
Bath time buddies