Monday, April 30, 2012

A Dismal Day in Davenport

The title of this blog is an alliteration, when two or more words together start with the same letter. Random piece of information to refresh all readers of something they should have learned around first grade and, because of its usefulness, forgotten. Yesterday it rained for 5 hours straight and today clouds hid the blazing ball of burning light from sun-up to sun-down. The water seemed to hang in the air giving the day a dreary look and feel, but hopefully tomorrow will be brighter. Natural light is so much more uplifting than artificial lamps.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Fried Chicken

On the typical Sunday Josh and I have someone over for dinner, but tonight we were turned down three times! Sad day for them though because I made fried chicken for the first time in my life and it was absolutely DELICIOUS!!!!  I love trying new recipes and new things in the kitchen, especially when they turn out as amazing as the chicken did today. So for your enjoyment I am including the recipe link - Double Dipped Fried Chicken  The only thing I did different was use plain old chicken strips and add some ranch flavor to the flour mix. Ranch powder is one of the best seasonings a kitchen can hold. Thank yous Sam's Club for carrying the big bottle. Josh has never loved dinner so much or complimented my cooking quite so nicely. He even said it was comparable to Chick-fil-a on the deliciousness scale; this is the big time. It's worth trying! :) Tate loved watching and chewing on his bottle. His first tooth is coming in!! My baby is growing up!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Living the Dream

Today was the dream mommy life for me. I got to work quick this morning and had already showered by eight o'clock!!! (trust me miracles do happen) I got sheets in the washer and then it happened... Josh came home early and gave me the gift of wheels... It was truly a beautiful thing to be able to drive around in the morning. I have never enjoyed errand running more in my life. I bought a printer cartridge and milk, the necessities of life. It is kind of ridiculous how much I enjoyed it. After our morning of errands Tate took a long and luxurious nap and even afforded me to take one! Then for dinner we had little smokies wrapped in bread. Ever since I was pregnant they are in my top ten most delicious foods ever created. At six o'clock my childhood dream of playing soccer on a college team came true. Palmer has a women's team! It's completely recreational but so much fun, perfect for my rusty skills. We won by a lot! When I got home Josh was still at scouts with Tate so I had a whole half hour to myself. I honestly can't remember the last time I had that happen... It was weird. I didn't know what to do. To top off the whole day I made a fruit smoothie. This is definitely a skill that I am still working on perfecting. The secret ingredient tonight was Tate's baby food peaches (I needed something more and didn't want to go to the store, plus I figured it gets all blended up anyways). It was absolutely delightful! 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Beautiful Day

Today the weather was absolutely perfect! The sun was shining and clouds floated across the sky. It was just like picnic weather from the movie Up in my favorite five minute beginning segment. SO we went on a picnic. Tate and I joined the other one child mothers at a park. Parks here are nothing like at home. Out here parks are like LDS churches in Utah; there is one at least every few miles and they are beautiful! Being a Tuesday we even got to walk through the park conservatory for free! There were some crazy flowers and hidden hedges shaped like animals from the zoo. It was similar to a real life search and find. My favorite part was pointing out all the flowers that had been in my wedding bouquet to Tate; they were the only flowers I knew the name of. After our picnic we went for a leisurely stroll and Tate decided he was tired. Instead of laying back in his car seat and relaxing he did the elderly man nod off... I must admit I watched him a couple times and chuckled before helping him lay back. It was too cute to resist!  

Monday, April 23, 2012

The Burger

Recently I have had an obsessive craving for a large juicy burger loaded with bacon and cheese... I'm not talking the fast food kind that makes you never want a burger again and leaves your stomach squirming; I crave much more than that.  For the last couple weeks I've told Josh every day about it. I think it came from the good weather and the delicious smell of grilling that emanates through the air on my afternoon walks. The problem is we don't have a grill, and we are still working on making friends with someone who does and desires to share with us. So today for dinner we decided to fulfill my craving in the name of a graduation celebration. We went to Red Robin. It was delicious! Tate can now sit up by himself so he sat in a high chair at a restaurant for the first time! He loved the lights, the music, and anything he could grab off of the table. The menu was his first choice and with his quick speed he got a bite of napkin too. By the time our food arrived he was done sitting and out of new things to do so we ate much faster than I had hoped; I guess that's life with a kid. My burger was everything I needed, complete with guacamole; it doesn't get any better than that. I wonder what craving tomorrow will bring...

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Tater Tales - I am Baby Hear Me Roar

Tate has recently discovered a new octave and volume level for his voice. It begins with excitement. He flexes every muscle in his little body (and trust me he has one very strong little body) and then he lets it out. The noise is similar to a dying animal; it is loud, scary, and lasts quite a while. He thinks it's funny and I think he enjoys the attention that comes with it. Today at church Josh was teaching the lesson with Tate standing beside him and Tate decided to show off his talented voice skills. He put his muscles to work and Tate let it rip. One of Josh's young men said, "I am baby, hear me roar!" Babies are adorable... What can you do?

Friday, April 20, 2012


I officially graduated from BYU today! I feel like I did forever ago but today made it official. Since walking in Utah wasn't quite feasible we held our own little ceremony in our living room. Dr. Browning (who even dressed up and put a tie on - a tie definitely means he loves me) made me a diploma compete with polka dots and Tate squealed some inspiring words. It was perfect. :) Then to celebrate we decorated our sliding glass door with a scene of where we wish we were... It was fun and a lot shorter than watching everyone walk across the stage! I am sad I didn't get a picture in a cap and gown though.. I guess I'll just borrow Josh's in 4 years to relive the photographic moment I missed!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Delicious Peanut Butter

Today I realized just how amazing peanut butter it. Growing up people always talked about eating it by the spoonful. My family eats the Adams variety of peanut butter (simply squished peanuts) that makes this experience a memorable one, but not one to be repeated. My eyes were opened when I tasted the creamy sugary goodness that more processed peanut butter afforded. Yummy! In looking back on my day peanut butter was present for almost every one of my meals. It started with my peanut butter Cheerios, not quite as amazing as the original (which Josh calls cardboard) but they are good. Then for lunch the peanut butter and honey sandwich. The most brilliant invention for students of all ages; no refrigeration required, easy transport, and it's still edible no matter who squished it gets! To add more variety to the sandwich arena there is peanut butter with any kind of jelly or bananas; it's almost as versatile as macaroni and cheese. Then for my afternoon snack I improved my chocolate covered granola bar by dipping it in peanut butter. (if you buy the peanut butter ones already dipped in chocolate they have trans fat so this is the perfect alternative) To finish off the day I just had a milkshake, peanut butter enhanced of course. I think it may be my flavor of the week, delicious! So... I did some research about this amazing food. According to wikipedia (a credible source I know) peanut butter was first used by the Aztecs. Then Marcellus Edson of Quebec patented peanut paste in 1884. The peanut butter of today is credited to George Washington Carver in the United States. Among its high nutritional values it can also get gum out of hair... There you have it, delicious and nutritious peanut butter.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Daily Musings of a Mother

I think I hear my baby... Alarm clock reads 3:30.. Quick math 8 to 3:30... 4,5,6... however long he slept it was longer than last night. Back in bed by 4 a.m... I wonder what he is talking to himself about.. sounds interesting... 4:30... I can't believe he's still going... 6:30.. there he is again.. Sometimes I wish he had a snooze button... Up and at 'em... When did he grow up so much! He is so adorable. Good morning bug oh how I love your smiling face in the morning.. I wonder when I need to move his mattress down he's starting to grab the sides and pull himself up... what should we do first today.. practice sitting up.. is he getting enough tummy time?... maybe I should be reading to him more... Should I be letting him spend more time on his own.. Wow he sure is hungry all the time... what next... It's ten o'clock I still haven't showered, thank goodness for a swing... should I wash his clothes today or tomorrow.. I still need to get the dishes done.. hmm entertainment.. who'd have thought a baby would love plastic Easter eggs so much, bright, colorful, cheap, and practically nonbreakable it's brilliant... aren't you tired yet??? I am... wow grumpy gills just fall asleep already... why do you fight it so hard? I want to sleep... When will your daddy be home?... Finally a nap... time to relax after I finish cleaning, send an email, start the laundry.. lay down and two minutes later he's awake already... let's go on a walk... it's so beautiful outside... I should really be jogging... wonder why my baby is comatose in the stroller... what should I make for dinner tonight?... someone is grilling something that smells delicious, I wish I had a grill... did that noise just come from my baby?.. time to get home... wow he sure can make loud noises... wonder what he's saying.. I;m trying little guy but I don't know what you want..... Yay for food! one of my favorite parts of the day... bath, pajamas, and goodnight... Oh how I love the little guy.. he's so peaceful when he's sleeping... until tomorrow...

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tater Tales - The Art of Feeding Yourself

Have you ever tried to watch the food you eat make it to your mouth? If not you should; it takes skills. I never realized how difficult it is until my little man taught me the lesson. I always wondered why he turned his head when the spoon or his hand got close to his face and then I decided to try it. Watching the tasty specimen get close to your face is problematic, first because your nose is in the way and second because it gives you a headache. Tate has it under control; he simply grabs the object, the bigger the better, connects it with his face, and then locates his mouth. It's messy but foolproof! Messes are my specialty so Tate and I enjoy our time together in the kitchen.

Monday, April 16, 2012

April 16, 2012

Brownies... The food that makes everything better. Celebrating the new year this year my life was forever changed when I was introduced to Ghirardelli Brownies (try spelling that word, definitely not phonetic). I have never tasted anything so delectable and life changing. Thank you Costco. So due to that, and my kindergartners calling me Mrs. Brownie, this blog title came into existence. :)