Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Prego Brain

With 4 1/2 weeks left, I am ready to be done with this prego business. My head doesn't work properly, gravity is no longer my friend, and I can't even read Tate books on my lap without his bony little elbows and baby's bony protuberances colliding. So last week Josh and I finally put up pictures in the house to make it look and feel more like our home. I love the set up of the frames, but some of the pictures need to be replaced. During nap time on Friday I decided to get things done and ordered the much needed pictures. Each day I excitedly check the mail for the package of happiness, but today I found that I sent it to the wrong address... A Utah address... Oh the brilliance of prego me.

Tate is showing off his personality more every day. In church on Sunday during the sacrament he was contentedly sitting beside me when all the sudden he popped up like a daisy and shouted, "Daddy? Where are you daddy," as Josh passed the sacrament. The branch presidency seemed to enjoy it so I didn't worry about it to much. That night he went to bed on time like normal, but an hour later cries for his binky could be heard. Josh went to rescue him from his binky-less dilemma and after listening to him look for 5 minutes, I went to go join the search. Tate was kindly saying, "Binky? Where are you binky?" over and over. As I came in he said, "Mommy will find you." Daddy did end up finding the binky but I love that he just knew I could do it. Tate thought watching his parents crawl all over was hilarious and was even more delighted when daddy gave him a turn with the flashlight. He did not want to part with it and probably would have gazed into it like a deer all night if we had let him. What a funny little man.
We LOVE cookie dough!

How daddy really feels about sharing his Legos.

Anything with wheels.
 Tate played with Legos for the first time last week with Daddy and has found one of his favorite things to do. He prefers his Legos pre-assembled, but he'll soon catch onto the building thing I am sure.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Brownie Batter

With our relaxing Sunday afternoon we decided to make brownies as a family. The highlight of course was the batter. I have many fond memories licking spoons covered in delicious substances after helping in the kitchen so I sent my boys to work. Tate excelled at the licking and Josh was quite the chef mixing the boxed brownies with the 3 measured ingredients. We sure know how to do it around here. They turned out delicious! A successful Sunday activity for sure!

Loving the tongue action.

Apples aren't as delicious after brownie goodness.

See him eying the bowl?

Thursday, August 22, 2013

A Park Adventure

Yesterday a good friend and I set out on a walk. We decided to be adventurous and cut through some unpaved territories to get a park I had driven to previously; we wanted to shorten the distance to a stroller friendly walk. After about a solid 30-45 minute walk, we arrived at the park to find it under construction. To appease our two toddling children we decided to brave playing on an empty school playground with the intent to plead ignorance if someone came out to get mad at us. Since school is in session we were a little worried, but figured we wouldn't get in to much trouble, the worst they would do was kick us off. My friend has an 8 month old who by this time needed a nap and then her little girl needed a bathroom. So into the school she went with her ID and her little girl while I manned the men. I haven't had to worry about bathrooms yet so that was an eye opener. So after they returned and they had a quick play we loaded her little boy in my reclining stroller and Tate got to ride rear facing and talk to my friend the whole ride home.... It was so much funnier experiencing it. Anyway here are some pictures of Tate exploring the playground with his teddy bears and water - life's essentials.  When we finally got home we both crashed. It was a wonderful day!

Today's adventure included fireman Tate at the museum. He loved the hat, and would pat his head and ask for it anytime it fell off!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Growing Up

The last few weeks have been crazy. We moved and I had my first experience with a child throwing up... I'd be happy as a lark (I think that's how the saying goes...) if I never had to experience that again, but I do consider myself blessed Tate is as old as he is. It was miserable. It also made me realize my nights full of sleep are numbered and I need to savor each and every one. In all of the change my blogging has been neglected. I feel like I can't write unless I have a quality picture to accompany so I located my camera and now I am back. Life is in control when I take time to blog, so if I am missing in action...

Tate is growing up so fast. His Thomas addiction is still thriving and he is becoming an avid puzzler. His favorite is a 35 piece Thomas puzzle. We do it at least 5 times a day. Soon he'll have it mastered on his own. I think he just likes my help because I turn over all the pieces for him. His dad is the same way when we puzzle together... Since Tate was sick he has also discovered an appetite I didn't know he possessed. His food of choice is cereal and it has been his first request upon exiting his crib, to his last plea before the door closes at bedtime. One day he had at least 5 bowls. He also has a strange addiction to mints (Altoids), grapes, and rediscovered Teddy Bears (Grahms). He definitely knows what he wants. Today he mimicked me when I said "out of control." He and his daddy are discovering wrestling and flopping and all the boyish joys of childhood. I can think of nothing better in the world to watch than Josh and Tate laughing and playing together. Their new nightly tradition is watching and laughing at the House of Mouse together while Tate eats his bedtime snack. I love them both!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Spray Bottle

After wearing out our bubbles on the front porch, and in an attempt to stay near the steps and not walk to far, I introduced Tate to the spray bottle. My momentum towards the end of each day is waning, and I still have 11 more weeks... Anyway who knew something as useful and functional as a spray bottle could hold so much magic for a child.  It was love at first successful spray. This is a two handed job for Tate so it took some serious brain work to figure it out and realize there are aiming capabilities. I was thinking we could clean off our sidewalk chalk covered front steps to make room for drawing tomorrow, but once Tate successfully sprayed me he knew what real fun was. I did steal it for a couple retaliation squirts. I'm thinking we need to get a couple for the tub. Then bath time would raise to a whole new level of fun, especially if I introduce them. For some reason daddy always has the brilliance and gets the laughs in the tub. Where do men come up with the things they do?
The pure joy that comes from spraying mom.

Serious work. I even caught the jet stream on camera!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


When life gives you lemons, supposedly you are supposed to make lemonade. But lemonade has too much sugar for my little guy; there is so much sugar in everything! I have been feeling like a delinquent parent in the feeding my child category after watching a friends little boy eat a plate full of vegetables. I would have a hard time stomaching all the vegetables this little boy devoured happily. Where did I go wrong... Anyway the other day Tate sweetly asked me to "open peas" the refrigerator door and came out with string cheese in one hand and a lemon in the other. I think he might as well try everything once and was surprised when he ended up sucking on the lemon for the next half hour, each time making the same pucker face.

Tate's new trick of the week occurs every time he sits in his chair to eat. He knows he won't get the food until he sits down, so he sits down, waits for the food, immediately stacks all of it into his arms and declares himself all done while showing me his empty tray. It's quite adorable.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Christmas in July

Today was a WONDERFUL day. At approximately 12:06 p.m. while eating lunch with my little munchkin, my double stroller arrived. The nice FedEX man even set it inside for me upon seeing my belly. If you ever want to make mine and Tate's day, send us a box. We love them. My child's whole countenance lights up as he begs to open it up and find what's inside. His dreams were momentarily crushed when I informed him we were going to wait for Daddy to open our new toy. After pouting for a minute he easily distracted himself with cheerful cars greeting each other. His favorite salutations are Hewo (hello) and mineg (morning). His cars do a lot of greeting. After waking Elsie, finally taking a nap, and watching a Thomas, Tate finally got to help open the box. The wheels were the highlight in his eyes. He rolled them around his car table. When I attached them all he decided to find a comfy seat in the stroller and we played a game of peek-a-boo through the parent peeking window. Elsie woke up during the festivities and of course we put them both in. Tested amazing attribute of stroller #1: kids can't reach each other! Anyway Tate was traumatized when Elsie's mom came to get her a few minutes later and he didn't get to go on a stroll. Every time he saw the stroller the rest of the evening he asked for Elsie. Oh the adventures that will come in our stroller.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

My Funny Duckling

I consider myself a blessed mother because up until today, Tate didn't care what he was wearing. he just knew in order to do fun things, usually go outside, he had to get dressed. Well today, after I had gotten him dressed, he decided his wardrobe was not yet complete and visited the bottom drawer of his dresser to find just the right addition. First thing you need to know is that I don't remember the last time I went through the bottom drawer of his dresser. It holds non essential items like jackets, vests, sweaters, slippers, etc. Things that are fun occasionally, but we don't normally need. Anyway Tate's drawer searching ended with a 6-12 month sweater and was adamant he got to wear it. Who am I to tell him no. So on a day like today with the temperature over 100 degrees my child ran around in a cute little sweater with unhooked snaps down the back. Not only a sweater but his favorite bucket hat too. I finally took the sweater off causing major complaints on the verge of tears around 5 o'clock this evening when his head was drenched in sweat and I determined it had to go. He did take a 3 hour nap this afternoon wearing it though so I think he may be on to something good.
For some reason his tip toes were awesome. He decided it was more fun to spin in circles and work his calves at the same time!

Another break through of his life that happened today is that he asked to sit on the potty. He didn't want to get off. We bribed him off with the chance to flush the toilet. I have good vibes for the future! I just hope it is sooner rather than later...

Monday, July 15, 2013

Back to Life and New Adventures

The month of June was a glorious one! Full of family, friends, fun, and delicious food. Utah was wonderful... It was hard coming back to life but I guess it's a good thing. Now my blog will no longer be neglected. I think it gets some of the attention that family gets when I am elsewhere. My family are probably the only people who really read my blog so I guess I am still spending my time where it matters most.

 Sunday Josh and I embarked on our newest adventure as members of a branch. The numbers are few but the church is true so it will be exciting to see how the work goes. We broke out Tate's new church clothes for the special occasion and man did he look good. I think we will let them go back in the closet for a couple months though because in the heat they tend to cook him. He was soaked upon arrival home. When Josh tried to take Tate's tie off for the car ride home, Tate immediately attempted to reattach it. It ended up hooking his collar right under his ear; A + effort if you ask me. He also has a little more growing to do. I had to roll the top of his pants three times so I opted not to tuck his shirt. Blue is definitely his color.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Oh Rainy Days

My Laundry Helper
Talking with some people the other day the topic came up of thorns and roses. A family in our ward goes around the table before dinner and before they can eat, each person shares their rose (best part of the day) and their thorn (the not so best part). In thinking about mine last week my thorn would have to be the rainy weather. We are going on about 5 days of rain and while I love the cool weather that first accompanied it, it has since turned muggy,  my little man and I are going stir crazy! I always forget how hard it is to spend the whole day indoors when we are used to spending at least 2 or three hours outside. When we do go outside it results in extra laundry, a bath, and drying shoes. It's a good thing Tate's fan runs all night long so it can dry his shoes each day too. Every time I try to talk myself out of the mess Tate will be making outside I remember the mormonad by President Ucthdorf, Moments that Matter Most. Definitely one of my favorites. Anyway here are the moments captured by Josh's phone camera. So much fun!

Love the footprints

First ice cream on a stick.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The "Shoes" Face

So for the last couple weeks Tate has been making the best face every time he says shoes. I have been trying to catch it for weeks and finally succeeded. He is going to be so grateful someday when we have these pictures for his wedding video!

Tonight he was such a little character. I took his shirt off so he could play in a water bucket. When I let him out of his chair he started rolling on the linoleum like a little worm. Then Josh got out his table and Tate though the arm handles were the perfect steps to climb on to allow for standing on the table. He is so funny! I love it when he eats all of his food. It makes him so silly.

Another precious Tate moment I don't want to forget. Yesterday Tate had his 18 month apartment. While at the doctors he decided to peruse in my purse as I tried to fill out all the pile of paper work they had for me. I don't understand how they expect you to keep a curious kid out of unlocked cabinets while filling out papers. Anyway the doctor came in and Tate promptly opened my wallet, took out some money, and gave it to the doctor. Then he headed to the door to leave. She told me that had never happened before... My child already tries to pay off the doctor. After that he was such a good boy for the visit and didn't even cry for his shots. What a funny little man I have. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

18 Months of Mostly Wonderful

This week has been filled with fun. On Tuesday Josh and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary. It's crazy to think we have been married so long, sniff. It only gets better. We celebrated by cooking steaks. My skills have a long way to go, and my one day grill will do them more justice, but they turned out pretty delicious. Thanks to Lindsay and Kyle for the steaks! Josh's chiropractic table also arrived on our anniversary. Tate loves the box and Josh loves the table so it was a win win purchase. We went out to dinner to celebrate some more on Thursday to Hu Hot Mongolian grill and the food was ok but the company was awesome. It is so fun to have a babysitter and be able to eat my whole meal without feeding or sharing with my little man. The conversation keeps getting better the longer we are married too. 

Yesterday Tate turned 18 month s old. It's hard for me to believe my baby is so big. He's picked up so many words this week and seems to add more every day. I am amazed at his understanding. He is still as busy as ever, and never wants to stop. We went to a church function on Friday and he found a new love for balloons. They are on my shopping list for the near future because they bring him so much joy. To celebrate 18 months we bought Tate a container of blueberries. He was in heaven. He goes to the fridge, asks for entrance, and then promptly finds the blueberry container and brings it to me to open and deliver the goods. He would eat the whole thing in one setting if I let him!

Today has been a wonderful Mother's Day. I got a box from my mommy with chocolates and a book for me that I love as well and treats for the whole family. Tate loves boxes! Tate was an angel at church for me and stayed in nursery the whole time. I was so proud. I'm always amazed what I can accomplish at church without my child with me. Josh made me a delicious dinner of spaghetti and meatballs. I forgot how much Tate loved the meal. Watching him eat it was the best mother's day gift ever. I love my family!!!!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Oh the Garden

 Tonight for FHE we decided to learn about gardens. We read from President Kimball's talk on planting a garden and then we practiced saying the names of the plants we had planted. We also practiced being gentle with the plants and playing only in the dirt. Earlier today Tate decided the plants were as beautiful as flowers and promptly picked one of my tomatoes. It was heart breaking and led to a lesson on caring for the garden. After our lesson we drew pictures with side walk chalk of all of the delicious foods that come from gardens. Tate had about as much chalk on him as the sidewalk did, but it was fun! After cleaning up the chalk Tate went back to examine the garden one more time and snap like a monkey out of a tree another of my tomatoes was out of the ground. I've replanted both and hope to see them blessed and producing some day! What a little bug!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Family = Fun

This week Tawnie was able to come into town. It was so fun to have family here! I look forward to the day we live closer to enjoy it more often. We went to the zoo, the museum, the caves, and the grocery store. We even got my garden planted. It is silly how much a kiddy pool full of dirt can make me so happy. I love just looking out the window each morning and seeing how much it might have grown. The highlight was Maquoketa Caves. It was the perfect weather and we were the only hikers there. Tate was in love. He would get so easily distracted with rock and stick collecting he would forget to watch his step. We saw 2 snakes (disgusting), a tree with 7 huge hawks in it (don't worry I disclosed the snake locations to them and told them to get to work), 5 deer, and many squirrels. Tate walked over a mile, took only a 20 minute nap in the car on the way home, and only slept in an hour later the next morning. I need to figure out his energy secret. Tawnie taught Tate to say cool cool and loves his new puzzle from his awesome aunt. We miss her already!

His rock was HUGE!

Ready to go bright and early. Notice he found my wallet and keys.
 Tonight we called Talmage to wish him happy birthday. Tate sang happy birthday the rest of the evening as he played with his cars. It is amazing how many words he is picking up daily. He has even improved his jump this week. Now both feet get off of the ground 70% of the time. Such a fun age!