Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Mid March Madness

In January I found an awesome deal for a trip to the Wisconsin Dells and convinced Josh we should go by convincing some friends to go too. I felt like it was our first "family" vacation that didn't include Utah. Two nights was the perfect amount and the kiddos had so much fun!!! I can't imagine the summers there because there are water slides EVERYWHERE outside. We just played in the indoor adventure domes and there was more than enough to keep our crew busy. 
Tate's favorite was the slide. He climbed those stairs happily at least 10 times and would have kept going if he would have had an adult to go with him.
Ian went down the slide once and then was simply content to watch the boys pop out.
Our room had pretty awesome bunk beds for the boys. It was perfect because it was just like home.
The indoor amusement park was fun too. Daddy and the boys did some bonding - all on things that spin. Me + spin = problems. So glad they have family to enjoy it with. Tate went on his first roller coaster ride too. It was not love at first ride, but I think he will go again someday.
More spinning... Just thinking about it makes me feel unwell. Josh had them going so fast I was worried one of the kiddos just might lose their lunch.
Our vacation crew. Ian was to entranced with the arcade to smile for the camera.
Ian and his buddy. We watch him when his mommy works and Tate thinks we should just adopt him, "Mom I feel like he is a part of our family."
After arguing for 5 minutes about staying in his chair, I finally let him eat his lunch in a box. He happily ate and slept and the afternoon was still a win. Sometimes I try to fight the silliest battles.
 He sure does enjoy messy foods. The ones he feels look best on his face include jelly, black beans, ketchup, and ice cream. I can't blame him for the last one due to it's delicious nature, but his eating method of starting at the bottom of the cone does make the clean up a more dramatic affair.
 How Ian likes to get to the car after church. He is just making sure to put holes in all of the pants Tate didn't get to when he was wearing them. I got out the next size of clothes for Ian and he is constantly checking on his knees through convenient windows left from the previous owner.
 One morning Ian was behaving like Oscar the grouch. After several time outs and mommy frustrations I sat down and snuggled him. He went to sleep in my lap for a good hour at 9 a.m.! It was so fun to snuggle my not so little man.
 Before and after church pictures.
 How Ian eats rice, makes a mess of it everywhere leaving a clean plate that is "all gone". His dream meal would be plain pasta, hot dogs, and broccoli every night. Someday he will thank me for expanding his culinary horizons, and if not him his future wife will.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Finishing up February

 My Great to be 8 masterpiece. It was delicious. Next time I am going to try to make the rainbow on it work too!
We had a grey day where everybody wore grey. Ian had to spice up his appearance with a hammer and a hat. His hammering is lethal to all paper products left out. He also has discovered that keys cut quite nicely too. He was paying more attention than I realized when we opened a Valentines box.
 The boys wanted to help sort laundry and did so by throwing it into the baskets then jumping in after it to ensure it landed safely. This is a good way to maximize how much your basket holds. I should have utilized this packing method when heading to Utah in the past. It probably would have led to overweight baggage though; carrying the basket downstairs, my prego back was not happy.
 What happens when I forget to put a toothpick in the banana bread before taking it out. I had to scoop out the centers. All was not lost because I microwaved the insides and Ian and I enjoyed them. From a childhood perspective this was the perfect batch because we didn't give any away and got to eat it all.
 Proof that he is growing. I am always amazed what he piles next to himself on the rare days he decides to sleep.
Ian's FAVORITE treat is small ice cubes. He will gladly eat them always and they create more excitement than sugar. I hope popsicles this summer don't ruin him!
 The boys are discovering they enjoy kitchen jobs. The current favorite is shredding cheese. Ian patiently (for a 2 year old) waits his turn and then slips one hand in the bowl for snacking while attempting to shred, or waving around the block with the other hand.
 This kid and his binky are heaven sent. I simply can't give up the easy nap times it provides. 5 minutes with his dino-binky and he is out cold every afternoon. I am so grateful because currently I have needed the sleep too!
 Burrito Brothers.
 Our friends invited our kiddos over for a sleep over. We went to dinner and hit the temple the next morning. Dinner was at the Filling Station, a local food joint where you receive all you can eat popcorn out of an oil can. What more could you want?