Friday, August 15, 2014

The Puzzler

Today I decided my kiddos are brilliant. I think every mother feels that way, as they should. This week has been a puzzling week for Tate, literally. We have done at least 6 puzzles every day, if not more. I'm amazed how he is thrilled to do the same one over and over and over. I guess it does make a difference when your puzzle takes around 10 minutes instead of the hours a bigger one takes. His new game is dumping two puzzles into one pile and drawing a piece at a time to finish them both. Ian likes to get in on the action and Tate is very quick to remind and reposition Ian's puzzle to block his path.Tate even found a way to puzzle during nap time without getting off his bed. I didn't ask him how the puzzles got on his bed in the first place.
My boys are also finally discovering the treasure that books are, especially ones about items with wheels for Tate and anything with flaps for Ian. The library is even becoming an attraction for more than just the Lego table. Tate's highlight is picking out his new Thomas movie for the week. He stands there for a good 20 minutes looking at each DVD carefully and telling me each time I approach to come back in 10 minutes, just a second, or just be right back mom.
My pondering child. I LOVE it when he kneels down. I can think of few things more adorable than his little feet popping out under his bum. He does it all the time and something about this pose just melts my heart!

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